Interviews and talk

RNZ Concert logo Jack Body, Dame Gillian Whitehead and Noel Sanders

Jack Body, Dame Gillian Whitehead and Noel Sanders

Interviews and talk

Audio: 16:19

RNZ Concert — December 2010

About the interview

David Morriss, host of Upbeat, interviewed me and Noel Sanders about the launch of his biography of me called Moon, Tides and Shoreline. Jack Body talks about the latest release of a Waiteata Music Press CD and accompanying scores, including my Bright silence.

About the book and CD

Moon, Tides and Shoreline — publication

Chamber Music III — CD

Listen to the interview

Jack Body, Dame Gillian Whitehead and Noel Sanders — RNZ

RNZ Concert logo Gillian Whitehead: Beijing 2009

Gillian Whitehead: Beijing 2009

Interviews and talk

Audio: 11:39

RNZ Concert — October 2009

About the interview

Eva Radich, host of RNZ Concert’s Upbeat programme interviewed me about the forthcoming trip to Beijing, China of a large group of 27 New Zealand artists and musicians who attended World Music Days at Beijing Conservatory and which focused on Māori and Polynesian arts. The event was curated by Jack Body.

Listen to the interview

Gillian Whitehead — RNZ