Tamatea Tutahi
Music audio
Audio: 12:33
RNZ Concert — recorded in 2013
About the recording
Tamatea Tutahi was recorded by pianist Sarah Watkins on 24 December 2013 as part of SOUNZ’s Resound project. Kenneth Young introduces the work.
Music audio
Audio: 12:33
RNZ Concert — recorded in 2013
Tamatea Tutahi was recorded by pianist Sarah Watkins on 24 December 2013 as part of SOUNZ’s Resound project. Kenneth Young introduces the work.
Music video
Audio on video: 15:47
New Zealand String Quartet and Richard Nunns (taonga pūoro)
This is the audio from Atoll ACD 107 which was released in 2013.
Audio: 58:17
RNZ Concert — May 2013
Elizabeth Kerr looks at 4 generations of New Zealand’s women composers and their works and asks us to think about whether there is a discernible female voice in the music of our composers.
It includes excerpts from my works The Journey of Mataku Moana and Alice.
Music video
Video: 16:00
Halcyon Ensemble
This is the first 4 parts of the work filmed live in concert in September 2013 at The Atrium at NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) in Sydney.
Music video
Video: 27:24
Halcyon Ensemble
This is the part 5 of the work filmed live in concert in September 2013 at The Atrium at NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) in Sydney.
Music video
Video: 8:37
Halcyon Ensemble
This is the final part of the work filmed live in concert in September 2013 at The Atrium at NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Art) in Sydney.