1998 Recording Collections

CD cover

New Zealand Choral Music

Music on CD

Works for mixed choir by New Zealand composers

Kiwi Pacific SLD108 — released in 1998


My work is performed by the Auckland University Festival Choir conducted by Peter Godfrey with soprano soloists Cathy MacDonald and Elizabeth Dickson.


My Qui natus est is among 14 works on the CD.

Qui natus est

Get the recording

Buy or borrow the CD from SOUNZ.

New Zealand Choral Music — SOUNZ

This music was originally released in 1972 on LP Kiwi Pacific SLD 31, which is now out of print.

CD cover

Australian Cello

Music on CD

Works for cello by Australian composers

Tall Poppies TP 129 — released in 1998


These major works for cello were recorded by Sydney-based Danish cellist Georg Pedersen with David Bollard (piano).


The Journey of Mataku Moana

Get the CD

Buy the CD or download the MP3 file from the Australian Music Centre website.

Australian Cello — AMC

CD cover

Tracey Chadwell’s Song Book

Music on CD

Vocal music by British and New Zealand composers

British Music Society BMSCD420/1 — released in 1998


British soprano, Tracey Chadwell is accompanied by Pamela Lidiard (piano). The recordings were originally made by the BBC and released with permission for this CD.


Awa Herea

Get the CD

Borrow this double CD from SOUNZ, or buy it from the British Music Society website.

Tracey Chadwell’s Song Book — BMS


Gramophone Magazine reviewed the CD, saying, ‘Tracey Chadwell, a soprano of exceptional gifts and intelligence … this … could stand as a model to other singers in the expert management of a voice, in fearless vocal resource and joyful adventurousness … [of] repertory.’

Tracey Chadwell’s Song Book — Gramophone

Cover of Cd, Ipu


Music on CD

A poetic tale of love based on a story by Tungia Baker to music by Gillian Whitehead

Rattle Records RAT-D007 — released in 1998


Ipu is performed by Tungia Baker (narration), Richard Nunns (taonga pūoro), Judy Bailey (piano) and Georg Pedersen (cello).



Get the CD

Buy the CD from all good record stores, or buy the digital version from Bandcamp or SOUNZ.

Ipu — Bandcamp