Recording Collections

Cover of CD

Pakiwaitara o te Pouakai; Te heke o te Maiharoa

Music on CD

NauArchival CD

Waitaha Taiwhenua o Waitaki Trust Board — released in 2004


My works included on this CD are performed by Ramonda Te Maiharoa Taleni (soprano) and Ana Good (mezzo).


This CD tells the legend of the wedge-tailed eagle and Te Maiharoa’s return to Te Ao Marama. It includes 3 of my works.

E rewa mai, e rā

Te Mauri o te Awa

Nau mai e te o marama (also known as the ‘Waitaha’ aria)

Get the CD

Only a few copies of the CD were produced. There is a copy in the National Library.

Pakiwaitara o te Pouakai; Te heke o te Maiharoa — National Library