
Potiki’s memory of stone

Works with taonga pūoro, Film and theatre

Incidental music for taonga pūoro

Play by Briar Grace-Smith

The first performance of Potiki’s memory of stone was given at the Court Theatre in Christchurch in July 2003. The incidental music uses taonga pūoro played by Richard Nunns and realised by Steve Garden.

About the work

Briar Grace’s play is about a young greenstone carver, Potiki who knows there is a dark secret surrounding his childhood. On the South Island’s west coast, 2 Māori carvers, Tam and Manaaki, went searching for a sacred greenstone boulder 20 years previously. They took Potiki, Manaaki’s little son with them. Something terrible happened that day to wreak havoc on all involved. To uncover the truth behind this greenstone trail Potiki must piece together a series of memories.

Get the manuscript

Playmarket provides information about the play and performance rights.

Potiki’s memory of stone — Playmarket