2010 Publications

Cover of Take Flight showing a pukeko

Take Flight

Music from New Zealand for intermediate pianists

Sunrise Music Trust — published in 2010

About the publication

Edited by Gillian Bibby, this collection of piano works by 30 New Zealand composers is suitable for grades 3 to 5. The publication includes 2 CDs with performances of all the works.

About the works

Included are the 5 pieces that make up my work Central landscapes.

Central landscapes

Get the publication

Buy or borrow the book and CDs from SOUNZ.

Take flight — SOUNZ

Book cover showing Gillian against a landscape

Moon, Tides and Shoreline

Biography by Noel Sanders

Steele Roberts — published in 2010

ISBN: 9781877577048

About the book and author

An accomplished composer and close friend, Noel Sanders was awarded the Mozart Fellowship at Otago University for 2003 and 2004, when, along with various compositions, this biography was written.

It comes with a CD of my works performed by leading New Zealand performers, including the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra.

Moon, tides and shoreline — CD

Get the book and CD

Buy or borrow this publication from SOUNZ.

Moon, tides and shoreline — SOUNZ

You can read a chapter from the book on the Australian Music Centre’s website.

Extract from the new Whitehead biography — AMC

Review and interviews

Read William Dart’s review for the New Zealand Herald.

Book review: Moon, Tides and Shoreline

RNZ National and RNZ Concert interviewed Noel and me after the book was launched.

Dame Gillian Whitehead — interview

Jack Body, Dame Gillian Whitehead and Noel Sanders — interview